Polar Bear Plunge Craft and Food Vendors
2/12/2010 5:00 PM - 2/14/2010 3:00 PM
LaCosta Complex - 4000 Landis Avenue
Sea Isle Revitalzation, Craft and Food VendorsTent
Friday, February 12, 5-10pm, Saturday, February 13, 10am- 8pm and
Sunday, February 14, 10am-3pm, 271-8989, seaislemainstreet@yahoo.com or visit www.visitseaislecitynj.us
Polar Bear King and Queen Contest
2/12/2010 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
LaCosta Complex - 4000 Landis Avenue
Polar Bear King & Queen Contest
Pre-Registration by 2/12, LaCosta Complex, JFK Blvd. & Landis Ave.,
7pm, 263-3756 or www.lacosta-seaisle.com
Polar Bear Plunge
2/13/2010 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
JFK Blvd. & The Beach
16th Annual Polar Bear Plunge
JFK & The Beach, 2pm
Pre-Registration by 2/11 or sameday registration, $25
Age: 12 years and older, Costume Contest, 12pm;
Post-Plunge Party, 2:30pm; Awards, 3:30pm,
LaCosta Complex, JFK Blvd. & Landis Ave.,
609-263-3756, lacastalounge@comcast.net or visit
www.lacosta-seaisle.com for an application
5K Run/1.5Mile Walk for Autism
2/14/2010 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
JFK Blvd. on The Promenade
5K Run/1.5M Walk for Autism
Pregistration 10am, LaCosta Complex, JFK Blvd. & Landis Ave.,
Run, 11am, Walk, 11:15am, JFK Blvd. & The Promenade,
$20 Pre-Registration by 2/10, after $25, 861-0674 or runawayac@comcast.net
Post run Event: LaCosta Complex, JFK Blvd. and Landis Avenue