Monday, October 25, 2010

Sea Isle City News 10/25


October 20, 2010


Over the past year, the City has accomplished some great things, and more are coming! The City has been expanding our ways of communication during the past several years, and we are now adding this bi-weekly e-newsletter. We have worked to keep the public apprised of City activities, events and other points of interest through press releases, e-alerts, mailings, our website and communication with local media. However, the regular issuance of an e-newsletter will only serve to improve the availability of information to our citizens. Below you will find updates on City projects and other information about City activities and events.

Our goal is to provide you with accurate and timely news regarding your local government. As I quoted Thomas Jefferson in my State of the City address at the beginning of the year, "whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government." I've also spoken in the past of working together, in a spirit of partnership, to set an example for our citizens. This continues to be our goal, and we hope that you'll find our newsletter informative. Please let us know of any comments you have about these communications.


Message from the Mayor:

We want to thank everyone for another great summer in Sea Isle City. Without Sea Isle's homeowners and visitors, our island would not be the premier destination we all love.

Council is excited about the changes that have taken place within the city so far and we are looking forward to upcoming improvements that will occur over the winter and spring. If you ever have any concerns or questions, the email address for each City Council member is listed on our City website. Please feel free to contact us at any time - we take your input very seriously!


Cape May County Library/Sea Isle Branch: The erection of structural steel framing is scheduled to begin this month; project completion is scheduled for June 2011.

Excursion Park/Promenade/Street End Project: As part of our ongoing Beach to Bay Project, the City will receive and accept bids on October 28th for Phase 1, which includes the construction of a new bandshell in Excursion Park, a new beachfront Pavilion on the Promenade at JFK Boulevard with handicap ramps leading to the beach, as well as a reconfigured Promenade with benches, pergolas, staging and landscaping. Construction is anticipated to commence in December 2010 with completion in April/May 2011. The renderings below depict these projects.

Welcome Center: After much discussion internally and publicly to establish the location, the City has determined that an addition to the Community Lodge (fronting JFK Boulevard) will be the site of the new Sea Isle City Welcome Center. The Center will house the Offices of Tourism and Beach Tags and also provide space for the coordination of information distribution and marketing for the Chamber of Commerce and Sea Isle Revitalization. At the October 26 City council meeting, the architectural firm of Blane Steinman is scheduled to be authorized to proceed with the development of plans for the project.

Sewer and Road Reconstruction: The City is working with City Engineer Andrew Previti and the South Jersey Economic Development District to obtain grant funding for a comprehensive sewer and road reconstruction of Central Avenue between 49th and 69th Street. Portions of Central Avenue, particularly between 49th and 55th Street, are in poor condition due to deteriorated underground sanitary sewers. The City is on track to receive grant funding, which will allow us to proceed with the first phase of reconstruction (including the area from 49th to 55th Street) in order to be completed prior to the 2011 summer season.

Marina Boat Ramp: The City is in the process of applying for permits and preparing construction documents for the reconstruction of our municipal boat ramp. Contingent on the timely receipt of permits, this project is scheduled to be completed prior to the 2011 season.

Projects Completed in 2010 include the Beach Patrol Headquarters at 44th Street, the installation of Street Lights and Boardwalk Lights at the Marina, Veterans Park at JFK Boulevard and Landis Avenue, the South End Beach Fill from 74th Street to 94th Street, and Promenade Re-surfacing from 40th Street to 29th Street.

• During the October 12th City Council meeting, Mayor Desiderio announced the City will receive a $5 million reimbursement from the State of New Jersey in November for our South End Beach Fill Project, which was completed in June 2010. This money is in addition to the $2.7 million we received from the state for last year's Downtown and North End Beach Fill Project.

• October 26th at 10:00 a.m. is the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The meeting will take place in Council Chambers located on the second floor of the City's Public Safety Building at 233 JFK Boulevard. View all regularly scheduled meetings by visiting and clicking on the Government/Council tabs.

• At the October 26 City Council meeting, council is scheduled to have a public hearing to consider adopting ordinances that will revise zoning along 42nd, 43rd and 44th Streets adjacent to Park Road (affecting commercial and residential zoning) and along Landis Avenue between 44th and 47th Streets (regarding a change in commercial designations in that area). In addition, Council will have a public hearing on an ordinance that affects several standards, which will improve the development capability in the commercial zone as well as provide for more effective compliance with FEMA flood standards throughout the city. Details of these ordinances can be obtained by visiting our website - click on the Government/City Clerk/Documents tabs, or by phoning the Zoning Office: 609-263-1166

• On October 26th at 2:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Council will hold a public workshop to discuss the City's 5 year capital plan. Proposed projects for all areas of public infrastructure, including roads, beach replenishment, drainage, facilities, utilities and equipment will be reviewed and publicly discussed.

• Trick-or-Treating in Sea Isle City will take place on Saturday, October 30, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.